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  2. Amazon Images Comparison

Compare main and secondary images with your competitor.

Main and secondary images

You can compare your secondary images with those of all the products that appear in search results or in your category.

You will be able to find ideas for new images or identify weak points.

Main Image

The main image has the goal of winning the click from search results. It impacts click-through rate (CTR), or the percentage of daily traffic you curate.

The product has to cover 85% of available space on a pure white background. Recommended size is 1500x1500px and 10px white border. The image must not contain gratuitous or additional objects (like logo or watermarks) that may confuse the customer.

Secondary Images

The secondary images are 4-5 images seen by the customers once they’re on the page.

While the primary image has the goal to win the click from search results, the secondary images are those that win the sale. So, primary image impacts click-through rate (CTR), and secondary images impact conversion rate.

If your secondary images are just different angles of the product or they are just lifestyle shots, you're missing out on a lot of sales. Analyize competitor's pages, secondary images, and negative consumer reviews to identify functionality, features, and use cases to visually convey your product's distinctive points to consumers.

Here a few types of secondary images for different categories.

Comparison with competitors

Compare your product with a generic competitor in a simple and clear way. You must not use a competitor’s brand name, but you can say “our product” versus “other brands”. Communicate your main features/benefits. They might not even read all of these texts and might see just a couple of words as they scan them.


Features and benefits

Features described technical characteristics of your products such as quality, resistance, flexibility, etc. Benefits instead described what effects have on the customer (better health, more free time, etc.) and what job your product helps them to achieve. They are usually split out into multiple images.


How it works

This shows the step-by-step how the product works or how to install it. The customer is expecting a smooth and easy experience to get started. If not present, it could discourage the customer from purchasing or force him to seek information elsewhere.


What's in the box

If your product has accessories, or it needs one to work, it’s important to show if they are included in the package or not. This tells the customer if it needs to buy separately or if it can immediately start using the products because it contains all necessary. Clarifying if an accessory is not included could prevent from receiving bad reviews for unmet expectations.


Size and weights

This shows detailed information as a table or in a real case scenario like in someone’s hand. Provide data in different unit measures and how the customer can calculate measurements. If you sell multiple variations, you could use this image to help the customer decide which one to choose.


Ingredients and materials

Often this is just a shot of the ingredients label. You could also show actual ingredients like actual turmeric root or pepper.


Use cases

This shows where you can use the product in a real-life context. It gives confidence to the customer that they can use the product for different situations and activities.


Awards or certifications

If your product won some industry-specific awards or obtained certification, you can show it here to convey the brand’s credibility and loyalty.


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