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Review main SEO factors influencing discoverability and readability

Amazon SEO Checklist

Our comprehensive checklist covers every aspect of Amazon SEO, from title, bullet points, images and discoverability.

Having a 100% green score will improve the searchability of the product and thus the performance of your amazon ads.


Keyword stuffing Repeating the same words several times in the title is redundant and unnecessarily increase the length. It is considered a black-hat technique and you may be penalized. If you want to give more importance to a keyword, then include it in the first part of the title.

In this example, the word "coffee" is repeated 5 times and the title is difficult to read by a human.


Variation name in title

Add variation name (color, size, style etc.) at the end and wrapped by round brackets. This improves user experience and discoverability in search results. It will be more likely Amazon will pick up the right variation to match the user search term.

Brand name

Including the brand at the beginning improves discoverability for branded searches.

Title Case Capitalization

The title case is a style in which all words are capitalized except minor words (like "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog").

Keywords from advertising data If you use the Advigator Advertising software, then you could go to the targeting section and copying the top 3-4 keywords by orders. After that, add them in your title using a template like this:


  • Make sure to do not to repeat the same word multiple times
  • Try to read your title loudly. It should make sense for a human, not a machine.
  • Be concise. Less is more.
  • Add variation names (color, size, length, etc.) in the end and in round brackets, so they are easier to read. All variations should have the same title but differ only from these last words at the end. For example, i) TITLE (Black, S), TITLE (White, L), TITLE (Orange, XL).

Truncation on mobile

Make sure the title is not truncated when the user is from mobile. You will want to show all the main information without forcing users to click to enter the page. This does improve the conversion rate and ACoS because only really interested users click.


Bullet points

Bullet points help you to sell the features and benefits of your product. So they impact the conversion rate.

A common mistake is making bullet points so long that the customer doesn’t waste time reading them. You could use this space to highlight features that the customer is looking for.

Be clear and concise. Keep the sum of all bullet points under 1,000 characters in total and each one less then 200 characters.

Here how to organize your bullet points:

  • Bullet 1: Unique selling point / Primary benefit
  • Bullet 2: Primary features
  • Bullet 3: Secondary features
  • Bullet 4: Compatibility, Integrations, Use Cases etc.
  • Bullet 5: Brand/Manufacturing info (optional)

Example of bad bullet points: seo_bullet_points_bad_2f849a3f7a.png

Example of good bullet points: amazon_seo_bullet_points_good_0c72722de2.png


An ASIN is indexed if a customer is able to find it from search results. You can verify this by simulates a search by entering the ASIN code in the search bar. If you find no results, it means the ASIN is not indexed. It could be for several reasons:

ASIN has been suppressed by Amazon. Check in Amazon Seller Central and defect report. Contact Amazon support if you cannot find the root cause.

If you are a vendor, your ASIN could be "CRAPPed" (Can't Realize A Profit). It means Amazon has negative profits selling it. You could negotiate a lower cost for Amazon, or an higher selling price. Amazon often match selling price from other websites, so be sure other resellers are selling your product at higher selling price. Contact your Vendor manager to learn more.

If you are in an oversea marketplace where shipping is not available, you might not see your ASIN. Try to enter a local zip code as a customer shipping address.

Amazon Retail Readiness

A product is retail ready if it satisfies these conditions. If not, your advertising campaigns might get low impressions or underperforms.

  • More than 15 reviews
  • More than 3.5 stars
  • More than 4 images
  • More than 4 bullets points
  • Availability (green)
  • No black-hat techniques for Title, Images and Bullet points

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