Customer stories

Funghi Energia e Salute

From Handmade Sales to Marketplace Mastery: How Advigator Transformed Our Amazon Ad Strategy


The original name Mushrooms Wonder was born precisely from having “touched with our own hands” how wonderful and useful these gifts of nature are for living a long time healthy and with good vital energy. Today we are called Mushrooms Energy and Health: in these three words is contained the whole secret of a path of well-being that guarantees an improvement of one’s physical and psychological condition.

Advertising management

For a number of years, Artefizio (agency) has been using the services of Advigator for advertising management on Amazon. Our company has had an extremely successful journey, starting with the sale of its handmade products on the Amazon platform and then expanding to offer marketplace management services to third-party companies. As our services increased, we were looking for a service that could optimize our advertising campaigns and simplify management procedures. Advigator exceeded all our expectations in this regard. Thanks to their technologies and data-driven strategies, we noticed a significant increase in conversion rates and increased product visibility on Amazon.

Appreciated features

One of the things we appreciate most about Advigator is its ability to adapt to the needs of businesses. No matter how big or small our company is, their dedicated team provided us with attentive and personalized service, ensuring that our promotions were optimized for the best results. The automated platform saved us valuable time, freeing us from repetitive tasks and allowing us to focus on long-term marketing strategies. In addition, Advigator’s support team is always ready to help us every step of the way. Whether advising on new campaigns, analyzing data or solving any problems, we know we can count on them to respond promptly to our needs.


In conclusion, Advigator has been an excellent choice for managing Amazon advertising campaigns; it has made our path to success smoother and more profitable. Thanks to Advigator, our Amazon business has reached new heights and we are excited to continue this winning partnership into the future. We highly recommend Advigator to all businesses that want to get the most out of their Amazon advertising campaigns.